Monday, 5 July 2010

Myriam Gerard

Last week, I assisted a very nice photographer called Adam Parker. Basically, he was going to shoot Myriam Gerard's new french inspired "Revisante" lingerie line. Let me tell you about her lingerie: any woman that likes a little spice in her life, would love her! The model was Swedish, flew from LA for the shoot, and boy did she know what she was doing! Id never assisted in a proper lingerie shoot like that.The shoot was in "Mansion House"private member club, combined with Adam's work, with Myriam's amazing talent and the models knowledge, I realized once again, and confirmed once again,that you dont need a million people to make a great shoot. Obviously there's Ashlie Kuek, the Make up artist and hair stylist. He did one hell of a great job! I'm excited to see the pictures and see her rise even more. The opening event for her line was so much fun. Was in a club called "Jalouse", near bond street. I loved once again seeing it come together!

clap clap clap for you all!! and for me for carrying the heavy lights! :P

BTW this picture above was not mine :) i copy pasted it to by blog would have a pretty picture!