New website now :) I'm still tweaking it a bit but have been extremely busy lately but have a look. Im pretty excited!
Overall lately I have been involved in very exciting projects. I met someone called Marek Tarkowski at a model agency party (MOT) about a month or 2 ago . He's a film Director and is currently in London filming. I met for a meeting and we are creating something genius and exciting (seems to be the word of the day!). Last week I had the pleasure of doing some stills on his movie set which I hadnt done for a while. The idea is to study how he works. Marek will then come to one of my shoots to observe how I work. Then we know what to expect from each other.
I have a bunch of ideas in mind and so does he. We're equally passionate about what we do so I cant see why we cannot make it happen!
I have some more news I will gradually update you on. There are so many great things going on I dont think its fair to write it on just one post!
So with that here is my link for all you new readers: www.fabianadelcanton.com
and I shall leave you with one the backstage images from the set :)