So, Im not a rebel, I not the kind that brakes the rules specially when it comes to photography but yesterday, I did.
I was shooting for Bitch Magazine Online , first edition and so we all headed to Canary Wharf (nice...) . We were a good chunky group, very stable and as always, a good mood is required.
As planned with the "suppose manager" of All Bar One , we were going to be there for hair makeup and changes. So was that this man was NOT the manager, but just a key holder. The real manager had no idea what we were doing there and that for me, a very organized person, simply stressed me out as you can imagine. She let us stay there until 12 and luckily enough that gave us time to do hair. Ollie, our cinematographer went hunting for a nice space for us to settle whilst I tried to not get upset. Eventually, Sandra, the founder of the magazine arrived and seemed to be less worried than me.I think everyone was. We ended up at Starbucks IN canary wharf shopping centre (who would imagine that that would be our solution). They were kind enough to let us stay there as long as we needed. Only problem was now styling the girls. SO we went completely rebellious and did it on the street... in canary wharf... Looking at it now, quite fun.
Now the whole point of me writting all this was that I was so fascinated by one thing. Every corner we turned to, as you can image, someone would kick us out: small spaces, walls, corners..you name it! BUT shooting right in front of every famous building in canary wharf was the easiest thing to do! As I said, I am not a rebel, I like to be in control of what I do. But yesterday, speed and precision were my main points. So there we went. the 2 girls were perfect, bang on, quick and we had a great background, awesome weather. I shot 2mins everytime and we went back and forth until I got the shot. I am not aware if you know but I'm a quick shooter so that was no problem. Having a tight group REALLY helped and both Viola , the MUA and Hair stylist and SImone, the stylist were amazing as always. Ollie got some great shots of the shoot and my assistant Pei-Chi was that perfect extra pair of hands. I think Sandra enjoyed what we did, and I am well pleased!!
So this is just a teaser :) Pics will be out end of November on the Launch!whoop whoop.
Here's for the team:
Models: Marsh @ Oxygen Models and Mia
Photography by me assisted by Pei-Chi
MUA and Hair : Viola Bea
Stylist: Simone Sylvester
Cinematographer: Ollie Gayler
Se you soon!